Barnes & Noble

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Dove's 'Ad Makeover' Tries to Bring Positive Ad Messages to Facebook

(This story has been clarified to reflect that Unilever is not actually replacing belly-fat ads on Facebook, as its video suggests, but rather buying new ad space, which leaves less room for "belly-fat" and other body-conscious advertising.)

Unilever's Dove, known for uplifting ad campaigns that celebrate "real beauty," is targeting those nasty little Facebook ads that tell you to increase your bust size or get rid of that tummy fat.
The brand and Ogilvy Australia have launched The Ad Makeover, a Facebook app that lets Australians opt in to bring more positive body-image messages to the Facebook ad space ("The perfect bum is the one you're sitting on.") so their friends will get a healthy dose of optimism when they next sign in to Facebook.

According to a Facebook spokesperson, the app works as follows: users who opt into the app can create their own uplifting images, for which Dove would then essentially purchase ad space for, thus leaving less room for others who have less encouraging messages for your body -- or for any other advertiser, for that matter. The app doesn't actually replace ads, as suggested in the video, and users can't select which women will see the ad. The targeting works the way any other ad would.

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